Júlia Torracabota is a part of my life, because why even four years ago I would have been very undfriendly to her when she was introduced to me I would never have thought that for two years this girl would be one of the most important people in my life, even when I think about it I don't know how it happened or at what momento we started to take as much as we do now, I suppose it was because we spent some time going in the same group of Friends, but whatever it is, I'm happy to be able to feel so lucky to have her in my life.

Nowadays, if I have not seen her for a day, I miss her because I need to explain what happened to my day and share my opinions with her and discuss them, even though she sometimes lets me see that she listens to me and I know she is not doing it. Being able to talk is good for me, because even if I never imagine, she, is one of the people who have helped me most when I have been badly sentimental or just when I needed someone by my side because I'm sad.
To think that only two years ago I did not like her and now she is in my house almost every weekend is impressive, but, is what usualy happens? It's sais that all good friendship begin with a "You I feel badly", because that same thing, we both fell badly to each other, and I'm glad that it ended.

One of the things I like the most about her is her sincerity and how sweet she can be when she wants to, and that more tan anything she showa you every day that she cares about you and transmits that kind of confidence that makes you clear that you never she leave you alone when you  need someone, that is what makes me clear that she is not a friend like almost everyone else. 
Although good, not everything is good, because when she have a bad day, be careful because you can end up receiving too, and I guess because we both have a very strong carácter we discuss eplosively when it happens, but the funny thing is that we can scream and each one of us goes by her side that when we meet again we embarace each other and it's as if nothing bad had ever happened between us.

Sincerely, I hope that I never fail her, because otherwise I will not know who to call when I want to talk and that person is happy to call unexpected. And for all that I can say that I love her very much.


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